Jethro's Braindump

Rademacher Complexity

In PAC Learning, We have shown that uniform convergence is a sufficient condition for learnability. Rademacher complexity measures the rate of uniform convergence. Rademacher complexity can also be used to provide generalization bounds.


Let us denote:


given fF, we also define:


We define the representativeness of S with respect to F as the largest gap between the true error of a function f, and its empirical error:


Suppose we would like to estimate the representativeness of S using the sample S only. One simple idea is to split S into 2 disjoint sets, S=S1S2 ; refer to S1 as the validation set and S2 as the training set. We can then estimate the representativeness of S by:


If we define σ=(σ1,,σm){±1}m, to be a vector such that S1={zi:σi=1} and S2={zi:σi=1}. If we further assume |S1|=|S2|, then:


The Rademacher complexity measure captures this idea by considering the expectation of the above with respect to a random choice of σ. Formally, let FS be the set of all possible evaluations a function fF can achieve on sample S, namely:


Let the variables in σ be distributed i.i.d. according to P[σi=1]=P[σi=1]=12. Then the Rademacher complexity of F with respect to S is defined as:


More generally, given a set of vectors ARm, we define


The following lemma bounds the expected value of the representativeness of S by twice the expected Rademacher complexity.


This lemma yields that, in expectation, the ERM rule finds a hypothesis which is close to the optimal hypothesis in \mathcal{H}.


Furthermore, for any hH


Furthermore, if h=argminhLD(h) then for each δ(0,1) with probability of at least 1δ over the choice of S, we have:


Using McDiarmid’s Inequality, we can derive bounds with better dependence on the confidence parameter:

Assume that for all z and hH we have that |l(h,z)c|. Then,

  1. With probability at least 1δ, for all hH,


In particular, this holds for h=ERMH(S).

  1. With probability at least 1δ, for all hH,


  1. For any h , with probability at least 1δ,


Massart’s lemma states that the Rademacher complexity of a finite set grows logarithmically with the size of the set.

Let A={a1,,aN} be a finite set of vectors in Rm. Define a¯=1Ni=1Nai. Then,


The contraction lemma shows that composing A with a Lipschitz function does not blow up the Rademacher complexity.

Rademacher complexity of linear classes

We define 2 linear classes:



H2 is bounded by the following lemma:

Let S=(x1,,xm) be vectors in an Hilbert space. Define H2S={(w,x1),w,x2),,w,xm):w21}. Then,


The following lemma H1:

Let S=(x1,,xm) be vectors in Rn. Then,
