Programming Methodology
Source Specification
Predefined in global env: undefined
, NaN
, Infinity
fn |
description |
Math.* |
Functions dealing with Math. (eg. Math.pow , Math.sqrt , Math.E , Math.PI ) |
parseInt(string) |
Takes a string and parses it into an integer. |
equal(x,y) |
Returns true if x and y have the same structure, and the nodes are all identical. false otherwise. |
is_number(x) |
Returns true if x is a number, false otherwise. |
fn |
description |
I/R |
Time |
Space |
is_pair(x) |
Returns true if x is a pair, false otherwise. |
is_list(x) |
Returns true if x is a pair, false otherwise. |
is_empty_list(x) |
Returns true if x is an empty list, false otherwise. |
pair(x,y) |
Returns a pair of x and y . |
head(p) |
Returns the head of a pair. |
tail(p) |
Returns the tail of a pair. |
set_head(p, n) |
Sets the head of pair p to n . |
set_tail(p, n) |
Sets the tail of pair p to n . |
list(x1,x2,...,xn) |
Returns a list of n elements. |
O(n) |
O(n) |
length(xs) |
Returns the length of the list xs . |
I |
O(n) |
O(1) |
map(f,xs) |
Returns a list with each element having f applied to it. |
R |
O(n) |
O(n) |
build_list(n,f) |
Make a list of elements with unary function f applied to numbers 0 to n-1 . |
R |
O(n) |
O(n) |
for_each(f,xs) |
map, but use only for side effects. Returns true . |
I |
O(n) |
O(1) |
list_to_string(xs) |
Returns string representation of list xs . |
reverse(xs) |
Returns list xs in reverse order. |
I |
O(n) |
O(n) |
append(xs,ys) |
Returns a list with list ys appended to list xs . |
R |
O(n) |
O(n) |
member(x, xs) |
Returns first postfix sublist whose head is identical to x . |
I |
O(n) |
O(1) |
remove(x, xs) |
Returns a list by removing the first item identical to x . |
R |
O(n) |
O(n) |
remove_all(x,xs) |
Returns a list by removing all elements identical to x . |
R |
O(n) |
O(n) |
filter(pred,xs) |
Returns a list containing only elements in xs for which pred returns true . |
R |
O(n) |
O(n) |
enum_list(start,end) |
enum_list(0, 4) becomes [0, [1, [2, [3, [4, []]]]]] . |
R |
O(n) |
O(n) |
list_ref(xs, n) |
Returns the element in xs at position n . |
I |
O(n) |
O(1) |
accumulate(op, initial, xs) |
op(x1, op(x2, op(x3, ... op(xn, initial)))) . |
R |
O(n) |
O(n) |
fn |
description |
Lazy? |
stream_tail(s) |
returns result of applying nullary function at tail. |
Y |
is_stream(s) |
returns true if s is a stream, false otherwise. |
N |
stream(x1,x2,...,xn) |
Returns a stream with n elements. |
N |
list_to_stream(xs) |
Transforms a list into a stream. |
Y |
stream_to_list(s) |
Transform a stream into a list. |
N |
stream_length(s) |
Returns the length of the stream s . |
N |
stream_map(f,s) |
Returns a stream from stream s by element-wise application of f . |
Y |
build_stream(n,f) |
Makes a stream of n elements, by applying the unary function f to numbers 0 to n-1. |
Y |
stream_for_each(f,s) |
Applies f to every element of the stream s , and returns true . |
N |
stream_reverse(s) |
Returns a finite stream s in reverse order. |
N |
stream_append(xs,ys) |
Returns a stream that results from appending ys to xs . |
Y |
stream_member(x,s) |
Returns first postfix substream whose head is identical to x . |
P |
stream_remove(x,s) |
Returns a stream that results from removing the first element identical to x from stream s . |
Y |
stream_remove_all(x,s) |
Returns a stream that results from removing all elements identical to x from stream s . |
Y |
stream_filter(pred,s) |
Returns a stream that contains only elements which return true on unary predicate pred . |
Y |
enum_stream(start,end) |
Similar to enum_list . |
Y |
integers_from(n) |
Constructs an infinite stream of integers starting at n . |
Y |
eval_stream(s,n) |
Constructs a list of the first n elements of s. |
P |
stream_ref(s,n) |
Returns the element of stream s at position n . |
P |
fn |
description |
evaluate(stmt,env) |
Classifies stmt and directs the evaluation. Handles primitive forms, special forms and combinations. |
apply(fun, args) |
Primitive functions: calls apply_primitive_function . Compound functions: sequentially eval exps in new env created. |
lookup_variable_value(var,env) |
returns value bound to the symbol var , or signals an error if unbound. |
define_variable(var,value,env) |
adds to the first frame of env a binding of var to value . |
extend_environment(variables,values,base_env) |
returns a new environment, with a new frame extended from base_env , with the corresponding variables and values . |
set_variable_value(var,value,env) |
changes the binding of var in env to value , signals error if unbound. |
function mutable_reverse(xs) {
function helper(prev,xs) {
return prev;
} else {
var rest = tail(xs);
set_tail(xs, prev);
return helper(xs,rest);
return helper([],xs);
function mutable_reverse(xs) {
if (is_empty_list(xs) ||
is_empty_list(tail(xs))) {
return xs;
} else {
var temp = mutable_reverse(tail(xs));
set_tail(tail(xs), xs);
return temp;
function make_circular_copy(xs) {
function helper(rem,front_ptr) {
if (is_empty_list(rem)) {
return front_ptr;
} else {
return pair(head(rem),
if (is_empty_list(xs)) {
return [];
} else {
var ys = pair(head(xs), []);
set_tail(y, helper(tail(xs),ys));
return ys;
function mergeB(xs,ys) {
if (is_empty_list(xs) && is_empty_list(ys)) {
return [];
} else if (is_empty_list(xs) ||
head(xs) <= head(ys)) {
set_tail(ys, mergeB(xs, tail(ys)));
return ys;
} else if (is_empty_list(ys) ||
head(xs) >= head(ys)) {
set_tail(xs, mergeB(tail(xs), ys));
return xs;
Permutations and Combinations
function permutations(xs) {
if (is_empty_list(xs)) {
return list([]);
} else {
return accumulate(function(e, acc) {
return append(map(function(x) {
return pair(e, x);
}, permutations(remove(e, xs))), acc);
}, [], xs);
function n_permutations(xs, n) {
if(n === 0) {
return list([]);
} else {
return accumulate(function(e, acc) {
return append(
map(function(x) {
return pair(e, x);
}, n_permutations(remove(e, xs),
n - 1)),
}, [], xs);
function n_combinations(xs, n) {
if (n === 0) {
return list([]);
} else if (is_empty_list(xs)) {
return [];
} else {
return append(
map(function(e) {
return pair(head(xs), e);
}, n_combinations(tail(xs), n-1)),
n_combinations(tail(xs), n));
function Vector2D (x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Vector2D.prototype.length = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x +
this.y * this.y);
function Thrust (x,y, tag) {,x,y);
this.tag = tag;
Recursively defined streams
function fibgen(a,b) {
return pair(a,b function() {
return fibgen(b, a+b);
var ones = pair(1, function() {
return ones;
var integers = pair(1, function() {
return add_streams(integers, ones);
// Visualization:
ones: 1 1 1 1 1 1
integers: 1 2 3 4 5
integers: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Stream of primes
function sieve(s) {
return pair(head(s), function() {
return sieve(stream_filter(function() {
return !is_divisible(x,head(s));
}, stream_tail(s)));
var primes = sieve(integers_from(2));
Iterations with streams
function improve_guess(guess,x) {
return average(guess, x/guess);
function sqrt_iter(guess,x) {
if (good_enough(guess,x)){
return guess;
} else {
return sqrt_iter(improve(guess,x),x);
function sqrt(x) {
return sqrt_iter(1.0, x);
function sqrt_stream(x) {
var guesses = pair(1, function() {
return stream_map(function(guess) {
return improve(guess,x);
}, guesses);
return guesses;
function interleave(s1,s2) {
return pair(head(s1), function() {
return pair(head(s2), function() {
return interleave(stream_tail(s1),
Cartesian Product
function pairs(s1,s2){
if (is_empty_list(s1) || is_empty_list(s2)) {
return [];
} else {
return pair(
pair(head(s1), head(s2)),
function() {
return interleave(
stream_map(function(x) {
return pair(head(s1),x);
}, stream_tail(s2)),
pairs(stream_tail(s1), s2));
Towers of Hanoi
function hanoi(disks, source,dest,aux) {
if (disks === 0) {
return [];
} else {
display("Move disk from " +
source + " to " + dest);
Count Change
// denoms is a list of coin denominations:
// eg. list(50,20,10,5)
function count_change(amt, denoms) {
if (is_empty_list(denoms) || amt < 0) {
return 0;
} else if (amt === 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return count_change(
tail(denoms)) +
Power set
function power_set(xs) {
if (is_empty_list(xs)) {
return list([]);
} else {
// Either you pick the number,
// or you don't
var without_head = power_set(tail(xs));
var use_head = map(function(l) {
return pair(head(xs),l);
}, without_head);
return append(use_head,without_head);
function memo_fib(n) {
var res = {};
function fib(n) {
if (res[n] !== undefined) {
return res[n];
} else {
res[n] = fib(n-2) + fib(n-1);
return res[n];
return fib(n);
Environment Model
function make_withdraw(balance) {
return function(amount) {
if (balance >= amount) {
balance = balance - amount;
return balance;
} else {
return "Insufficient Funds";
// Pic 1
var w = make_withdraw(100); // Pic 2
w(50); // Pic 3
// Pic 4

Reverse Application Order
function list_of_values(exps.env) {
if (no_operands(exps)) {
return [];
} else {
var r = list_of_values(rest_operands(exps),
return pair(evaluate(first_operand(exps),
function list_of_values(exps,env) {
if (no_operands(exps)) {
return [];
} else {
return pair(
make_thunk(first_operand(exps), env),
list_of_values(rest_operands(exps), env)
function make_thunk(expr,env) {
return {
tag: "thunk",
expression: expr,
environment: env
function force(v) {
if (is_thunk(v)) {
return force(evaluate(thunk_expression(v),
} else {
return v;
function lookup_variable_value(variable,env) {
function env_loop(env){
if (is_empty_environment(env)) {
error("Unbound Variable");
} else if (has_binding_in_frame(
first_frame(env))) {
var val = force(first_frame(env)[variable]);
first_frame(env)[variable] = val;
return val;
} else {
return env_loop(enclosing_environment(env));
var val = env_loop(env);
return val;