Data Structures and Algorithms
Access Modifier
C: Class; P: Package; SC: Subclass; W: World
Modifier | C | P | SC | W |
public | Y | Y | Y | Y |
protected | Y | Y | Y | N |
none | Y | Y | N | N |
private | Y | N | N | N |
Implement Comparable<T>
int compareTo(T o)
- If two objects are
must return the same result - hashCode must return the same result hen invoked on the same object more than once
int hashCode() {}
boolean equals(Object o) {}
Common Issues
Array out of bounds; divide by zero; infinite loop; exception thrown but not caught; access member variable in static method
Algorithmic Analysis
- Amortized Cost
- Algo has amortized cost
if ∀ k ∈ \mathbb{Z}, cost of k operations is
Master’s Theorem
Common Ones
(Binary Search) (Binary Tree Traversal) (Optimal Sorted Matrix Search) (Merge Sort)
Abstract Data Types
- Bag
- Insert(i); Draw()
- Stack (LIFO)
- empty(); peek(); pop(); push(i)
- Queue (FIFO)
- add(); offer(i); peek(); poll(); remove()
- Dequeue
- double-ended queue
- Binary Search
int binarySearch(int[] arr, int key) {
int start = 0, end = arr.length - 1;
int found = -1;
while(start <= end) {
int mid = start + (end - start)/2;
if(arr[mid] < key) {
start = mid + 1;
} else if(arr[mid] > key) {
end = mid - 1;
} else {
found = mid;
// if we want first instance
end = mid - 1;
// if we want last instance
// start = mid + 1;
return found;
- One sided Binary Search
- Suppose one side is bounded, eg [1,
∞). Use the sequence [1,2,4,8,16…,
…] If it works for , then search on [ ] - Peak Finding
- A[j] in array A is peak if (i) A[j] > A[j-1] (ii) A[j] > A[j+1]. If only one item in array, vacously true
- 1D Peak Finding
- D&C
if a[n/2] < a[n/2-1] look at 1..n/2-1
else if a[n/2] < a[n/2+1] look at n/2+1..n
else return a[n/2]
- 2D Peak Finding
- D&C
find max in border + cross O(m+n)
if max is peak return
else go into quadrant with higher number
- Bubble Sort
- Stable, In-place, W&A
, B , S ; Invariant : At iteration i , the sub-array A[1 .. i] is sorted and any element in A[i + 1 .. A . size] is greater or equal to any element in A[1 .. i] - Selection Sort
- In-Place, Unstable; find minimum element and swap.
, S ; Invariant: a[0…i-1] is sorted all entries in a[i..n-1] are larger than or equal to the entries in a[0..i-1] - Insertion Sort
- In-place, Stable; W
, B , S ; Invariant: The subarray a[i] consists of the original elements in sorted order. - Merge Sort
- Stable, In Place; W/B
, S - Quick Sort
- In-place, Unstable; W
, A/B S
Geometric Algorithms
Jarvis March
- Find somewhere to start, e.g. y-min coordinate
- Add point with maximum angle from horizon
- Keep adding points with maximum angle from previous
Line Intersection Algorithm
- Divide into two equal size sets (along vertical line)
- Recursively find convex hulls (base case 3 points)
- Merge convex hulls
- Find upper tangent lines
- while
clockwise, decrement - while
clockwise, increment
- while
- Find lower tangent lines
- while
clockwise, increment - while
clockwise, decrement
- while
- Find upper tangent lines
Quick Hull
- Choose pivot, construct two subproblems, delete interior points
- recurse on subproblems
Binary Trees (height h
- BST: left ST < key < right ST
- traversal
IN:LSR, PRE:SLR, POST:LRS - insert, search, findMax, findMin:
- successor
:- if hasRightChild, smallest node in right sub-tree
- else, first parent node that is left child (parent of node is successor)
- delete
: switch numChild- 0: remove v
- 1: remove v, connect child(v) to parent(v)
- 2: swap with successor(v), remove(v)
AVL Trees (height )
- Property: Every node is height-balanced

- insert
:- insert key in BST
- walk up, perform max 2 rotations if out-of-balance
- delete(v): (
rotations)- If v has 2 children, swap with successor
- delete v, and reconnect children
- for every ancestor of deleted node
- rotate if out-of-balance
- Splay Trees: Rotate nodes that are accessed to root. consider using where operations are non-random.
Augmented Trees
Rank Tree (Order Statistics)
- store weight of tree in each node:
- select(k)
: finds node with rank
rank = left.weight + 1;
if (k == rank)
return v
else if (k < rank)
else return
- rank(v)
: computes rank of node v
rank = v.left.weight + 1
while (v != null) do
if v is left child do nothing
if v is right child,
rank += v.parent.left.weight + 1
v = v.parent
Interval Trees
- Each node is an interval
- Sort by
, augment node with maximum of children in each node - search(x)
if x in c
return c
else if c has no left child
search in right subtree
else if x > max endpoint in c.left
search in right subtree
else search in left subtree
- findAll(x)
for k overlapping intervals
store it somewhere else
remove interval
repeat until no intervals found
Orthogonal Range Searching
- use a binary tree search tree
- store all points in the leaves of the tree, internal nodes store only copies
- each internal node v stores the max of any leaf in the left subtree
- Query Time:
- Building Tree:
k-dim Tree
- each node in the x-tree has a set of points in its subtree
- store the y-tree at each x-node containing all points
- Query Time:
- Building Tree:
- Space:
Custom Augmentations
- Average height of people taller: augment nodes to include the count of the number of nodes in that sub-tree, along with the sum of the heights of all the people in that sub-tree. To return the desired average, first search for the name in the hash table; assume it is at node v; then find the sum of the heights of: the right-child of v, and if w is on the path from v to the root and v is in w’s left-subtree, then w’s right-subtree and w.
Hash Tables
- n: #items, m: #buckets
- Simple Uniform Hashing: Keys are equally likely to map to every
bucket, and are mapped independently
- Assume
Hash Functions
, choose m prime
- fix table size:
, for some - fix word size:
, size of key in bits - fix odd constant
Rolling Hash
- When key changes by single character
- bucket stores linked list, containing (object, value)
- Worst insert
- Expected search =
- Worst search
Open Addressing
- One item per slot, probe sequence of buckets until find only one
, is no. of collisions- search: keep probing until empty bucket, or exhausted entire table
- delete: set key to tombstone value, so probe sequence still works
- insert: on deleted cell, overwrite, else find next available slot
- good hash function:
enumerates all possible buckets- Simple Uniform Hashing
- Linear:
, Clustering - Double:
- Insert, Search:
where - good: saves space, rare mem alloc, better cache perf
- bad: sensitive to hash, load
Cuckoo Hashing
- Resolving hash collisions with worst-case constant lookup time
- Lookup: inspection of just two locations in the hash table
- Insertion: Insert into first table if empty; else kick out other key to second location.
- If infinite loop, hash function is rebuilt in place
Table resizing
- Scan old table
, create new table , insert each element , total amor: if , , if ,
Fingerprint Hash Table (FHT)
- Vector of 0/1 bits
- no false negatives, but has false positives.
Bloom Filter
- use
hash functions. More space per item, but require collisions for false positive. - Two hash functions,
and , two tables and - insert:
, - search: if
and both 1 return true
Type | Space | v,w | any | all |
List | slow | fast | fast | |
Mat | fast | slow | slow |
Simple search
- BFS/DFS do not explore all paths
while Q is not empty:
current = Q.dequeue()
for each node n adj to current
if n not visited
n.parent = current
- Same as BFS, but use stack instead of queue
Topological Sort (DAG)
- Post-order DFS
- Kahn’s Algorithm (first append all nodes with no incoming edges to result set, remove edges connected to these nodes and repeat, also O(V+E))
if using Adj Matrix
do V number of times
for (Edge e : graph)
- can terminate early if no improvement
- can detect negative cycle: perform V times, then perform once more, if have changes it has negative cycle
- if all weights are the same, use BFS
Interesting article on how Dijkstra’s algorithm is everywhere
- Doesn’t work with negative edge weights
- can terminate once end is found
add start to PQ
dist[i] = INF for all i
dist[start] = 0
while PQ not empty
w = pq.dequeue()
for each edge e connected to w
if edge is improvement
update pq[w] O(logn)
update dist[w]
- Toposort, relax in order
- SSSP on DAG: run topo sort, and relax edges in that order in
- Single Source Longest Path problem is easy on DAG: multiply edge weights by -1 and run SSSP
- implements priority queue, is a complete binary tree
- priority of parent > priority of child
- insert: create new leaf,
- decreaseKey: update priority,
- delete: swap with leaf, delete, and then
- store in array:
Heap Sort
Heapify (insert n items) O(n log n)
Extract from heap n times (O(n log n))
Improvement: recursively join 2 heaps and bubble root down (base case single node) O(n)
O(n log n) worst case, deterministic, in-place
UFDS (weighted)
- find parent of p and q
- make root of smaller tree root of larger tree
- search up the tree, return the root
- (PC): update all traversed nodes parent to root
WU with PC, union and find
- acyclic subset of edges that connects all nodes, and has minimum weight
- Cutting edge in MST results in 2 MSTs
- Cycle Poperty:
cycle, max weight edge is not in MST - Cut Property:
partitions, min weight edge across cut is in MST
- Uses cycle property
T = {start}
enqueue start's edges in PQ
while PQ not empty
e = PQ.dequeue()
if (vertex v linked with e not in T)
T = T U {v, e}
ignore edge
- Uses UFDS
- It is possible that some edge in the first
edges will form a cycle with pre-existing MST solution
Sort E edges by increasing weight
T = {}
for (i = 0; i < edgeList.length; i++)
if adding e = edgelist[i] does
not form a cycle
add e to T
else ignore e
T = { one-vertex trees }
While T has more than one component:
For each component C of T:
Begin with an empty set of edges S
For each vertex v in C:
Find the cheapest edge from v
to a vertex outside of C, and
add it to S
Add the cheapest edge in S to T
Combine trees connected by edges
- Same weight: BFS/DFS
- Edges have weight
:- Kruskal’s
- Bucket sort Edges
- Union/check
- Total cost:
- Bucket sort Edges
- Prim’s
- Use array of size k as PQ, each slot holds linked list of nodes
- insert/remove nodes
- decreaseKey
- Kruskal’s
- Directed MST
node except root, add minimum incoming edge
- MaxST
- negate all weights, run MST algo
MST Problems
How do I add an edge (A,B) of weight k into graph G and find MST quickly?
- Use cycle property; max edge in any cycle is not in MST
- only add (A,B) if k is not the max weight edge
- O(V + E) time to find max edge along A → B with DFS
Given an undirected graph with
power plants, find the minimum cost to connect all other sites.- run Prim’s, use super source
- weight of new edges are zero
- this is a single MST
How do I make Kruskal run faster when sorting?
- Store edges in separate linked lists
- To process edges in increasing weight, process all edges in one linked list then the next
- Time:
or - Space:
, need to store all edges
Minimum Bottleneck Spanning Tree (MBST)
- General idea: If I use some edge e that is not in the MST to replace some edge e’ in the MST, then my max. edge is max (max edge on original MST, e).
- Intuitively, my MST would then fulfill the condition of MBST.
- Note: Every MST is an MBST, but not every MBST is an MST
Find maximum distance between 2 vertices in MST
- Bruteforce: perform DFS starting from every single location since there is only one path from any node to another
- DFS:
, doing it times, since - Space:
, need to store all the edges in MST
Floyd-Warshall (APSP)
- Shortest paths have optimal substructure
- Shortest paths have overlapping subproblems
- Idea: gradually allow usage of intermediate vertices
- Invariant: At step k, shortest path via nodes 0 to k are correct
// precondition: A[i][j] contains weight
// of edge (i,j) or inf if no edge
int[][] APSP(A) {
// len = # vertices
// clone A into S
for(int k = 0; k < len; k++)
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < len; j++)
S[i][j] =
S[i][k] + S[k][j]);
return S;
Network Flow
- k-edge connected
- Source and target are k-edge connected if there are k edge disjoint paths(don’t share edges) from source to target.
- Max flow
- st-cut property with minimum capacity(outgoing from s, ignore incoming to s)
- Min cut
- Let
be the nodes reachable from the source in the residual graph. = all other nodes, S → T is minimum cut - Augmenting Path
- path in residual graph from s to t that has no 0 weight edges
- Start with 0 flow
- While there exists augmenting path:
- find an augmenting path
- compute bottleneck (min edge)
- increase flow on the path by bottleneck capacity
Time Complexity:
- DFS:
- BFS(Edmonds-Karp, shortest augmenting path):
- Dinitz:
Graph Algorithms on Trees
Check if connected graph is tree
Run DFS, stop when after traversing
Min Vertex Cover
- Idea: transform tree into DAG, run DP
- only two possiblities for each vertex; taken or not
int MVC(int v, int flag) {
int ans = 0;
if (memo[v][flag] != -1)
return memo[v][flag];
else if (leaf[v]) //if v is leaf
ans = flag;
else if (flag == 0) {
ans = 0;
for(child : adjList[v]) {
ans+= MVC(child, 1);
else if (flag == 1) {
for (child : adjList[v]) {
ans += min(MVC(child,1),
- On a weighted tree, any graph traversal algorithm (eg. DFS, BFS) can
obtain the shortest path to any vertice in
- Weight of shortest path between two vertices is the sum of the weights of edges on the unique path
- Run SSSP on V vertices in total
, compared to FW algorithm
- Originally, run FW in
and do an all-pairs check, to total . - Now, only need 2
traversals: DFS/BFS from any vertex to find the furthest vertex . Then do a DFS/BFS one more time from vertex to find furthest vertex . Length of unique path along x to y is the diameter of the tree.
Graph Modelling Techniques
- minimum shortest path from many source to one destination: run SSSP treating destination as source.
- multiple sources to multiple destinations: consider super source and super sink, with edge weight 0, and run Dijkstra (if no negative edge weights), BF otherwise.
- Attempt to convert graph into a DAG and use DP techniques. Example: attaching a variable to a vertex that is monotonically decreasing
- Shortest path between X and Y that passes through node
: Compute two shortest paths; X to A, A to Y, and join the paths.
Parallel Algorithms
Parallel Fibonacci
parallelFib(n) {
if(n < 2) then
return n;
x = spawn parallelFib(n - 1);
y = spawn parallelFib(n - 2);
return x + y;
- Critical Path:
, Parallelism = , cannot run slower on more processors- Goal:
, is the parallel part, is the sequential part
Matrix Addition
• Work analysis:
if(n == 1)
C[i,j] = A[i,j] + B[i,j];
spawn pMatAdd(A,B,C,i,j,n/2);
spawn pMatAdd(A,B,C,i,j + n/2,n/2);
spawn pMatAdd(A,B,C,i + n/2,j,n/2);
spawn pMatAdd(A,B,C,i + n/2,j + n/2,n/2);
- Work Analysis:
- Critical Path Analysis:
Parallelized Merge Sort
pMerge(A[1..k], B[1..m], C[1..n])
if (m > k) then pMerge(B, A, C);
else if (n==1) then C[1] = A[1];
else if (k==1) and (m==1) then
if (A[1] <= B[1]) then
C[1] = A[1]; C[2] = B[1];
C[1] = B[1]; C[2] = A[1];
// binary search for j where
// B[j] <= A[k/2] <= B[j+1]
spawn pMerge(A[1..k/2],
spawn pMerge(A[k/2+1..l],
pMergeSort(A, n)
if (n=1) then return;
X = spawn pMergeSort(A[1..n/2], n/2)
Y = spawn pMergeSort(A[n/2+1, n], n/2)
A = spawn pMerge(X, Y);