Coding Interview Preparation
Data Structures Review
Integers in Python
TODO How Primitive Types are represented in
- Python
- C++
Primitive Types
Integers in Python 3 are unbounded – the maximum integer
representable is a function of available memory. The constant
can be used to find the word-size. Bounds on floats are
specified in sys.float_info
Bit Manipulation
Computing the parity of a word.
def parity(x): result = 0 while x: result ^= x & 1 x >>= 1 return result
x &
x - 1= Drops the lowest set bit of x.The parity of 11011111 is the same as the parity of 1101 XORed with 1111.
def parity(x): x ^= x >> 32 x ^= x >> 16 x ^= x >> 8 x ^= x >> 4 x ^= x >> 2 x ^= x >> 1 return x & 0x1
With time complexity of
Swapping Bits
def swap_bits(x, i, j): if (x >> i) & 1 != (x >> j) & 1: # if ith and jth bits differ bit_mask = (1 << i) | (1 << j) x ^= bit_mask return x
- Cheatsheet
expression output x & x - 1 clears the lowest set bit of x x & ~(x-1) extracts the lowest set bit of x
Arrays are contiguous blocks of memory, usually used to represent sequences.
Insertion into a full array can be handled by resizing, allocating a new array with additional memory and copying over the entries from the original array.
Linked List
class ListNode(object):
def __init__(self, data=0, next_node=None): = data = next_node
def search_list(L, key):
while L and != key:
L =
return L
def insert_after(node, new_node): = = new_node
def delete_after(node):
# Need to make sure there is something after to delete
if =
Queues with Circular Buffer
class Queue:
def __init__(self, capacity):
self._entries = [None] * capacity
self._head = self._tail = self._num_queue_elements = 0
def enqueue(self, x):
if self._num_queue_elements == len(self._entries):
# Need to resize
self._entries = (
self._entries[self._head:] + self._entries[:self._head])
self._head, self._tail = 0, self._num_queue_elements
self._entries += [None] * (len(self._entries) * Queue.SCALING_FACTOR)
self._entries[self._tail] = x
self._tail = (self._tail + 1) % self._num_queue_elements
self._num_queue_elements += 1
def dequeue(self, x):
if not self._num_queue_elements:
raise IndexError("Empty queue")
self._num_queue_elements -= 1
ret = self._entries[self._head]
self._head = (self._head + 1) % len(self._entries)
return ert
def size(self):
return self._num_queue_elements
Common Questions
Find kth largest in array
import operator
# The numbering starts from one, i.e., if A = [3, 1, -1, 2]
# find_kth_largest(1, A) returns 3, find_kth_largest(2, A) returns 2,
# find_kth_largest(3, A) returns 1, and find_kth_largest(4, A) returns -1.
def find_kth_largest(k, A):
def find_kth(comp):
# Partition A[left:right + 1] around pivot_idx, returns the new index of
# the pivot, new_pivot_idx, after partition. After partitioning,
# A[left:new_pivot_idx] contains elements that are "greater than" the
# pivot, and A[new_pivot_idx + 1:right + 1] contains elements that are
# "less than" the pivot.
# Note: "greater than" and "less than" are defined by the comp object.
# Returns the new index of the pivot element after partition.
def partition_around_pivot(left, right, pivot_idx):
pivot_value = A[pivot_idx]
new_pivot_idx = left
A[pivot_idx], A[right] = A[right], A[pivot_idx]
for i in range(left, right):
if comp(A[i], pivot_value):
A[i], A[new_pivot_idx] = A[new_pivot_idx], A[i]
new_pivot_idx += 1
A[right], A[new_pivot_idx] = A[new_pivot_idx], A[right]
return new_pivot_idx
left, right = 0, len(A) - 1
while left <= right:
# Generates a random integer in [left, right].
pivot_idx = random.randint(left, right)
new_pivot_idx = partition_around_pivot(left, right, pivot_idx)
if new_pivot_idx == k - 1:
return A[new_pivot_idx]
elif new_pivot_idx > k - 1:
right = new_pivot_idx - 1
else: # new_pivot_idx < k - 1.
left = new_pivot_idx + 1
raise IndexError('no k-th node in array A')
return find_kth(
Boyer-Moore String Search Algorithm
The problem is to find a occurrences of string p
in t
. The pattern p
is preprocessed, learning from character comparisons to skip pointless
- Try alignments in left-to-right order
- Try character comparisons in right-to-left order
Bad character rule: Upon mismatch, skip alignments until (a) mismatch
becomes a match (b) p
moves past mismatched character
^ mismatch (right-to-left character comparison)
^ earliest C to make mismatch match
Good suffix rule: Let t
= matched by inner loop; skip until (a) there
are no mismatches between p
and t
, or (b) p
moves past t
Another linear-time string search algorithm is the Rabin-Karp algorithm, which uses a rolling hash.
Delete Duplicates in Linked List
def deleteDuplicates(A):
head = A
while A:
while and == A.val: =
A =
return head
Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
def longest_increasing_subsequence(arr):
l = len(arr)
# Initialize LIS
lis = [1] * l
for i in range(1, l):
for j in range(0, i):
if arr[i] > arr[j]:
lis[i] = max(lis[i], lis[j] + 1)
return max(lis)
Generating a Random Sample
import random
def random_sample(k, A):
"""Generates a rondom subset of size k from array A."""
for i in range(k):
r = random.randint(i, len(A)-1)
A[i], A[r] = A[r], A[i]
return A[:k]
Generate a random sample from a stream
The basic idea is that given the n+1
element, and a random subset of
size k
, where k<n
, then that element should belong to that new subset
with probability k/(n+1)
import random
def online_random_sample(it, A):
# Stores the first k elements
sampling_results = list(itertools.islice(it, k))
num_seen_so_far = k
for x in it:
num_seen_so_far += 1
idx_to_replace = random.randrange(num_seen_so_far)
if idx_to_replace < k:
sampling_results[idx_to_replace] = x
return sampling_results
Checking sub-sequence
def is_subsequence(st, seq):
it = iter(st)
return all(c in it for c in seq)
print(is_subsequence("hello", "el"))
print(is_subsequence("hello", "no"))
Flatten a List
def flatten(arr):
return [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
has two sum
def has_two_sum(A, t):
i, j = 0, len(A) - 1
while i <= j:
if A[i] + A[j] == t:
return True
elif A[i] + A[j] < t:
i += 1
else: # A[i] + A[j] > t.
j -= 1
return False
has three sum is the same, sort the array and run has two sum.
Big Integer Multiply
def multiply(num1, num2):
sign = -1 if (num1[0] < 0) ^ (num2[0] < 0) else 1
num1[0] = abs(num1[0])
num2[0] = abs(num2[0])
result = [0] * (len(num1) + len(num2))
for i in reversed(range(len(num1))):
for j in reversed(range(len(num2))):
result[i + j + 1] += num1[i] * num2[j]
result[i + j] += result[i + j + 1] // 10
result[i + j + 1] %= 10
# remove starting 0s
result = result[next((
i for i, x in enumerate(result) if x != 0), len(result)):] or [0]
result[0] *= sign
return result
Next Permutation
def next_permutation(perm):
# Find the first entry from the right that is smaller than the entry
# immediately after it.
inversion_point = len(perm) - 2
while (inversion_point >= 0
and perm[inversion_point] >= perm[inversion_point + 1]):
inversion_point -= 1
if inversion_point == -1:
return [] # perm is the last permutation.
# Swap the smallest entry after index inversion_point that is greater than
# perm[inversion_point]. Since entries in perm are decreasing after
# inversion_point, if we search in reverse order, the first entry that is
# greater than perm[inversion_point] is the entry to swap with.
for i in reversed(range(inversion_point + 1, len(perm))):
if perm[i] > perm[inversion_point]:
perm[inversion_point], perm[i] = perm[i], perm[inversion_point]
# Entries in perm must appear in decreasing order after inversion_point,
# so we simply reverse these entries to get the smallest dictionary order.
perm[inversion_point + 1:] = reversed(perm[inversion_point + 1:])
return perm